Five quick facts about thrush

  1. Three out of four women suffer from genital fungus at some point in their lives. About half of these get the infection back at least once
  2. Spreading to partners is unusual. If the man gets symptoms, he can treat himself with PEVARYL® cream. Female partner is treated like yourself.
  3. Thrush often accurs in connection with a treatment with antibiotics.
  4. Thrush occurs more easily during pregnancy and in diabetics.
  5. You can’t treat trush with yoghurth. Lactic acid bacteria does not have any effect on the yeast fungus or the pH value. It might however give relief to the itch or burning sensation.

Four myths about thrush

There are several myths sorrounding thrush. Here are four of the most common:

  1. Warm tight clothing: There is no evidence of tight clothing or underwear in materials other than cotton would increase the risk of being affected by Candida infection
  2. Treatment with yogurth. Lack scientific evidence.
  3. Frequent showering: Excessive washing with soap and water is considered to increase the risk of being affected but this has not been proven.
  4. Tampons prepared with lactic acid bacteria: There is no scientific support for this. The pH value is probably of little importance for the onset of Candida infection, which means acidifying treatment does not reduce the risk of Candida or affect the symptoms.